PERFECT and UTPC will go hand in hand on February 24th 2017 .
UTPC is the first student run Purchasing Conference where practitioners, academics and students in purchasing and supply chain management come together. Host of the conference is the Chair of Technology Managament & Supply of the University of Twente, Prof. Dr. habil. Holger Schiele. In the field of purchasing the emphasis is on the development of soft skills. At the moment students of Twente University are busy preparing UTPC 2017.
Students can join UTPC only by applying by handing in their CVs. They are selected based on the level of their involvement in PSM: the courses taken, the completed internships and the thesis written.
UTPC is organized by UTwente students who are bilingual: English & native German and English & native Dutch. The student committee states that communication in advance can take plane in all three languages, although the congress is held in English, of course.